The Government of Canada partnered with the National Trails Coalition to offer $10 million between 2014 and 2016 to help expand and rehabilitate Canada’s snowmobile, ATV and non-motorized trail systems.
The County of Renfrew applied for and was successful in receiving $20,000 in funding for K&P Trail maintenance (signage, tree removal, bridge decking, grading and gravel). These federal dollars will be matched by an additional $20,000 in contributions from the County of Renfrew.
County of Renfrew Warden Peter Emon shared this message, “These maintenance and upgrade initiatives ensure that the K&P trail continues to be safe and accessible to all users and that it remains attractive to the local community and tourists alike. This project aligns with the County of Renfrew’s Strategic Plan by focusing on active transportation and a healthy lifestyle.”
Councillor Glenda McKay, Vice Chair of the K&P Management Advisory Committee shared this comment, “We are very pleased with the announcement that the National Trails Coalition in Partnership with the Government of Canada are helping the County of Renfrew in funding the upgrades to the historic K&P Trail. This funding will ensure that the trail is not only maintained and upgraded but that it continues to serve the community as a vital recreation attraction and active transportation resource.”
The County of Renfrew owns and maintains the K&P Corridor, a 21-km four-season multi-use recreational trail that is one of the primary tourism-economic drivers for the county. The Project will include the upgrading of the trails gravel surface, tree removal, bridge decking, installation of gates, the installation of culverts, and ditch clean out. There will also be the development and installation of trail signs along the trail to assist trail-users.