Home Special Interest LETTER TO THE EDITOR



Dear Editor:
Well folks what more needs to be said after you have watched the following two-minute video clip of Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, which has been included below (cut and paste into Google). He is seen telling us all about what he describes as his “space and time’ version of reality, which I believe should be plastered all over the entire County of Renfrew, because the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke leadership needs to hear this coming directly from the horse’s mouth, which in my view is something you would normally expect to be hearing from the opposite end of a horse.
This clearly delusional “space and time” political babbler wants to take away your tax free savings accounts and put an end to the income-splitting financial benefit which will especially affect seniors on a pension and low or fixed income people, not to mention that his provincial Liberal counterpart Kathleen Wynne wants to impose her despicable sex education curriculum on little school kids. She has also taxed the hard won assets of families in order to promote even more degenerate agendas, such as her recently reinstituting the inheritance tax on the people who have worked their entire lives, in order to bequeath something to the betterment of their families, their children, and their children’s children. And these are just a few of the things Ontario’s retrograde Liberal premier has in store for us in what was once the richest province in Canada. How’s that for the Liberal agenda?
This kind of activity is classic Liberal socialist — impoverish, oppress, and demoralize the electorate at its worst. In my view it is also the insidious agenda of left wing liberalism whose intent it is to incrementally destroy the fabric of our society from within. Indeed it’s also my view that Liberal socialism, as a political philosophy in Canada, should be classified as a serious mental illness, requiring mandatory psychiatric treatment. Or, failing that, a fifth columnist, anti-democratic threat to the traditional, cultural, moral, and spiritual values that have forged our nation into the greatest country to live in on earth. And, that national greatness includes the blood which bought our civil rights and freedoms we enjoy, which are the envy and indeed the hopeful aspiration of oppressed peoples all over our planet.
Nevertheless, these posturing Liberal socialists are relentlessly purposed to deceive the Canadian electorate into thinking they are being well served by all of this – which, sad to say, I increasingly fear may be true. And, if it turns out that the people of our nation have been deceived enough to elect these vipers to office, that means our people will have turned their backs on everything our ancestors gave their lives to bequeath to us, to our children, and to our children’s children. And, if it so be that the people of our nation have indeed been dumbed down and are deceived to the point of being reduced to a pathetic flock of bleating “Sheeple” and they do elect someone like Justin “space and time” Trudeau, or “Angry Tom” Mulcair, they will awaken on October the 20th 2015 to find themselves waiting in the national lineup to be fleeced by their new political masters at will, and that without remedy.
Indeed if the unthinkable happens on the 19th, then all the doubts about whom the bell tolls for will evaporate like the ephemeral mists of a newly dawning day on the 20th, because the reality is the bell will be tolling for us!
Therefore take heed to yourselves and do not be deceived – because the Liberal socialist parties of Canada are poised to destroy the citadels of our great nations future!
Donald E. Broome
Cut and paste this in Google
to watch the video clip:

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