RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — Five people were inducted into the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame during the 25th anniversary celebration Saturday night in Renfrew. The 2020 inductees into the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame are Keith and Ruby Bennett of Foresters Falls, Christine Reaburn of Beachburg and Robbie and Christine Anderman of Wilno.
An active partner in a family farm, first near Stratford and from 1974 on Lookout Road between Beachburg and Westmeath, Mrs. Reaburn is a farm wife and partner to Larry Reaburn. She did everything from driving a tractor to choring in the barn while raising three children, Janet, Catherine and Charlotte. Involved in many organizations, she has also made time to contribute to her community. After completing high school, Mrs. Reaburn began a career in banking. In addition, she became a representative for the Australian Young Farmers’ Association, travelling throughout Australia. In 1972, she left New South Wales and travelled to the United Kingdom to work with the Scottish Young Farmers. In 2019, the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada named her as the Adelaide Hoodless Canadian Women’s Institute Woman of the Year and she was elected as World Secretary and Chair of the Triennial Conference 2022 Committee for the Associated Country Women of the World.
Keith and Ruby Bennett’s farm has been in the Bennett family for over 150 years and eight generations. Mr. Bennett increased his father’s 100 acre farm to 850 acres, with their farm being one of the county’s first milking parlours and 170 free stalls. Mrs. Bennett looked after the farm bookkeeping and accounting, while being a member of the Queens Line Women’s Institute. She is now curator of Tweedsmuir history and both secretary and treasurer of the branch. She was also on the Institute committee of the 1994 International Ploughing Match (IPM) who looked after the ladies program. Many of the Bennett’s family members, employees and former employees say they look up to them as mentors instead of bosses. Their farm has hosted several agriculture and school tours to educate kids on farming and was part of the 1994 IPM horse committee, which took in the antique and horse plowing and demonstrations.
Mr. Bennett’s list of agricultural contributions noted for this win mentioned 4-H cattle shows, his acquired agricultural education from his father and neighbouring farmers, and notably how he worked for Jack McLaren installing some of the first milking equipment in the county. Mr. Bennett showed the farmers how to use their new vacuum milkers and worked with his father to eventually take over and expand their dairy, beef, hogs, feedlots cash crops and horses. Avid supporters of the milk quota system, Mr. Bennett served on the Ontario Milk Marketing Board and as chairman of the Renfrew County Milk Board. He is a pound keeper for Ross & Whitewater Townships for over 40 years, a Renfrew County Holstein Association member for over 40 years, a member of the Renfrew County Soil and Crop, a member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and NFU, and he has bred and raised Belgian horses.
Photo by Megan Chase. Christine Reaburn poses for her award after the event. Sponsored by South District Women’s Institute. Photo by Megan Chase. Larry and Christine Reaburn of Beachburg with their three children, Janet, Catherine and Charlotte (not in order). Photo by Megan Chase. Keith and Ruby Bennett pose for their award after the event. Sponsored by the Renfrew County Soil and Crop Improvement Association and the Renfrew County Plowmen’s Association. Photo by Megan Chase. Keith and Ruby Bennett of Foresters Falls with family members and their three children Kim, Dale and Calvin (not in order). Photo by Megan Chase. Robbie and Christine Anderman pose for their award after the event. Sponsored by the National Farmers Union, Renfrew County Local 330. Photo by Megan Chase. Robbie and Christine Anderman of Wilno with two of their five children. Photo by Megan Chase. Five people were inducted into the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame during a celebration Saturday night in Renfrew. The 2020 inductees into the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame are, from left, Keith and Ruby Bennett of Foresters Falls, Christine Reaburn of Beachburg and Robbie and Christine Anderman of Wilno. In back, from left, are event organizer Donna Campbell, and presenters, Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski, Renfrew Reeve Peter Emon representing the County and Whitewater Region Mayor Mike Moore. Photo by Megan Chase. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame, all surviving inductees were invited to this year’s event held Saturday night in Renfrew. They are, front row from left, David Reid, Terry O’Gorman, Keith and Ruby Bennett, Christine Reaburn, Robbie and Christine Anderman and Donna and Dave Campbell. Back row from left, Larry Reaburn, Bob Dobson, Ray Pender, Jack Fletcher, Mac Coughlin, Bob Dick, Glen Smith, Lynn and Ian Clelland, Janice and Jack McLaren and Welland and Margaret Crozier. Absent were Ian and Deb McGregor.