The Council of Whitewater Region received the Fourth Quarter Annual Report from CAO Robert Trembley.
Planner Ivan Burton said the Township Community Development reviewed eight zoning variance applications, issued 53 building permits, and 30 welcome packages to new businesses.
He also cited the Summerhill Resorts development plan to develop multiple dwellings units as a ‘huge success’ for the Township.
He also said that the Growth Readiness Draft Report would ‘hopefully’ be ready for next Council. Meeting.
Treasurer Sean Crozier thanked his team for their work in the 2021 financial report, and said that they responded to 110 reports that would come in more detail as they were reviewed.
He said that tax bills ‘went out in record time’, having been printed and gone out that day.
He said he would be providing a report.
CAO Trembley said that the Seniors Pilot Program was successful.
Clerk Carmen Miller said that township successfully put together an RFP for the voting system for the next election put together with surrounding township, through Votes Canada Ltd.
She said the cost was approximately $23,000.”
Fire Chief Jon McLaren said that 33 emergency calls in the fourth quarter, making for 120 emergency responses at the years conclusion, which he said was ‘down from last year, but still above-average’.
He said they were looking forward to hiring new recruits in 2022.
Parks and Recreation head Jordan Durocher said rentals accounted for ‘slightly over’ 900 hours during fourth quarter.
He said that despite staffing shortages that required cancellations, they were able to do ‘all of their holiday skates’.
“We are looking at some changes.”
Public Works Manager Lane Cleroux said that public works had two new employees start in Q4, and responded to 19 weather events.
He also said they completed their Gravel Roads program, and completed all fleet repairs in-house.
He also said they joined with neighboring municipalities for a winter maintenance training session.
He said that they 237 collections, down from 250 from the previous quarter.
He said the Cobden water plant completed its 14-day running period.
Reeve Cathy Regier asked if the new LED crossing lights were operational, which Cleroux confirmed, pending a ‘glitch’ that was fixed.
Councillor Daryl McLaughlin.asked Durocher if the Township was accepting paper verification for vaccination, because he had been informed of a letter sent out informing arena users ‘could only use the one on their phones.’
“We are accepting a paper version of the QR code, but people need to have a paper version of the code.” Durocher said, saying that the province had moved from the original paper format to a QR code.
Councillor McLaughlin also asked Cleroux if the Township would still be employing crossing guards, which he said they would not be employing crossing guards.
Councillor McLaughlin complained that he say ‘the crossing light flashing and cars going through it’, which Cleroux said the plan was to put out a flier informing the residents of the proper procedure.
Councillor Dave Mackay said that his experience with the new landfill weigh scale was ‘very effective’.
Councillor Nicholson pointed out that the Township had doubled the number of reports to Township.
He also thanked the Senior’s Pilot administration in Beachburg for her efforts.
He also asked Durocher to speak to the well in Westmeath, which Durocher said was completed and ‘haven’t had any issues for a month’.
The motion was carried.