Home Community Beachburg Water Plant Tender RFP

Beachburg Water Plant Tender RFP


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of RFP 2022-15, engineering services for the Beachburg Water Treatment Plant Renewal and Optimization project to EVB Engineering in the amount of $355,463.96 inclusive of non-refundable H.S.T.

Planner Lane Cleroux said that the well would be a major focus of their agreement.

He said that the combined experience of 86 years offered by the EVB.

He said staff is recommending the town’s portion of the funding be debentured in the 2023 budget.

Councillor Moore said that the last time that the equipment was upgraded was between 1991 and 1994.

“There haven’t been any major breakdowns and shutdowns so we’ve been very lucky.” he said. “I know that the users won’t be very happy when the times come to talk money.”

Councillor Olmstead said that this was a “badly needed investment.”

Mayor Nicholson asked what the difference between the 355 and the cost share was.

Cleroux said that this portion was only the engineering and administration portions of the project.

CAO Burton said that they may divide the cost in sections pending the engineers’ reports.

“This 1.5 money represents 15 million dollars that the taxpayers don’t have to pay for their water.” Mayor Nicholson said, thanking the staff.

Councillor Bell asked how this would increase capacity for future development.

“The actual funding grant was more for existing water users, it wasn’t for expansion.” Cleroux said.

The motion was carried.

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