Home Community Cobden Astrolabe Road Suffering from Speeding: Public Council Presentation

Cobden Astrolabe Road Suffering from Speeding: Public Council Presentation


Barbara Kirkpatrick gave a presentation to the Council on the dangers of speeding cars along Astrolabe Road in Cobden, and other roads connecting Main Street to the highway.

She said she had personally seen speeders who then ‘told her to go somewhere’ and scattered refuse’ when told to slow down.

She recommended posted speed limits in the school zones in Cobden, and on roads leading from Cobden’s main street and the highway.

Councillor Trimm suggested that the Township make a formal request for the OPP to have ‘a presence’ in Cobden to police speeding/

“I don’t consider that a downside if we save the lives of little children, or people in wheelchairs.” Kirkpatrick said. “Come in opp, come in and do their job and set an example (in our subdivision).”

Councillor Olmstead suggested that the Township do a review of speed limits and consider reducing them.

“Maybe even a stopsign at Crawford, because the arena is so busy this time of year. If they’re traveling very fast, you have very little time to get off the road.” Kirkpatrick said.

“This council should stay on top of this.” Councillor Moore said.

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