Home Council AMS Service Agreement

AMS Service Agreement


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved entering into a Service Agreement with Automotive Materials Stewardship Inc. (AMS) respective to submitting claims for hazardous and special products. 

Superintendent Steve Hodson said that AMS covered “antifreeze containers” and helps “offset costs”, once again citing the 2016 Act.

Councillor McLaughlin asked what one “supposed to do with empty oil containers.”, saying that the AMS would not take them back if they were empty.

Superintendent Hodson said that empty oil containers could go to the landfill and would not be taken by the AMS.

“It could go in the landfill, I’d prefer it not to.” McLaughlin said.

Hodson said that there was “no other avenue for it.”, though he acknowledged it was a good concern.

The motion was carried.

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