Home Classifieds Ads Auction for Belanger/Bred Heifer sale 2023

Auction for Belanger/Bred Heifer sale 2023 [paid ad]


Auction Sales

Saturday April 29 @ 10:30 am for the
Estate of Bruno Belanger, Masham, Que

Agco D.T.225 tractor, Quickie Q88 loader, 4WD, cab, 4 set remotes, 6000 hrs; Lamborghini Racing 190 tractor, 4WD, cab; MF 6290 tractor, Quicke 680 loader, 4WD, cab; MF 2705 tractor, cab, 2WD; JD 468 Silage Special round baler; Hesston/MF 1372 discbine; Anderson bale wrapper, 13HP Honda motor, 3 yrs old; Pottinger Eurotop 691A roto rake; new RJ Enterprises packer, 25’; Vortex 2000 Bale King bale chopper; 1997 Jamco goose-neck cattle trailer; Caterpillar 518 skidder with blade, 4400 hours, 2 new front tires; gates; steel panels; large assort of round bale feeders; electric water bowls; hand tools; wrenches; and misc farm items.
Friday May 12th at 7:00 pm

Cull’s Bred Heifer Sale, 923 Spence Rd, Douglas, Ont
80 first calf Charolais X-Bred heifers, bred Charolais
majority with calves at foot, all vaccinated.
For Viewing call ahead.
Check prestoncull.com for complete listing and pictures.
Auctioneer: Preston Cull, R.R.#1 Douglas, Ont


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