Home Classifieds Ads Auction for CMT Farms/Bruno Belanger

Auction for CMT Farms/Bruno Belanger


Auction Sales

Saturday April 22 @ 10:00 am for

CMT Farms & McLennan Plumbing

451 Kippen Rd, Arnprior, Ont

Honda 400 Foreman 4 wheeler; 16′ Springbok alum boat, Sprint boat trailer,

20 HP Mercury motor; 16′ Maisie-Gagaque fibreglass canoe; Cub Cadet 4022 lawn tractor; Honda 3500 generator; Plumbing Business Items: pumps, Rigid pipe cutters; Rigid pipe dies; Rigid caste-iron cutter; well supplies; pump parts; rolls of submersible cable; rolls of gr cable; ABS fittings; panels & breakers; platform scales; Guns: PAL required: Marlin semi-auto 22 rifle; Ruger .223 semi-auto ranch gun with Tasco scope, 5 shot clip; 12 gauge Winchester 1200 shot gun; White 251 disc, 10’6″; Agco disc, 3 pth, 10′; trimming chute; vet supplies/equipment; Gallagher electric fencers; fence supplies; 20 sheets galvanized steel; 25 sheets coloured steel; Miwaukee sawzall; Milwaukee drills; Stihl 028 chainsaw; household items (selling first);

Note: Incase of inclement weather sale held inside cover-all.

After 64 years in plumbing business they have retired, everything to sell,

just a partial listing.


Saturday April 29 @ 10:30 am for the

Estate of Bruno Belanger, Masham, Que

4 tractors, Caterpillar 518 skidder, Jamco alum goose-neck cattle trailer,

farm equipment & farm items.


Check prestoncull.com for complete listing and pictures.

Auctioneer: Preston Cull, R.R.#1 Douglas, Ont


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