Home Community Beachburg Arena Ice Service Postponed until Fall 2023

Beachburg Arena Ice Service Postponed until Fall 2023


The Council heard a recommendation:

That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region:

  1. Postpone the opening of the Beachburg Arena for artificial or natural
    ice until fall 2023 following a review of the Township’s Strategic Plan
    and arena facilities in consultation with all recreation associations.
  2. Direct staff to support all recreation associations with their
    implementation of outdoor rinks, if applicable.

CAO Ivan Burton said that the postponing was due to the discovery that the wall of the arena’s ice plant room had disintegrated along the south wall.

“We use that room to store ammonia.” he said. “That ammonia poses a risk to the public.”

He said the ammonia had been transferred to a different site, and the arena was currently ‘safe’.

He said he anticipated a cost of $60,000 to restore the wall alone, and based on the assessment.

He said that the choice was due to other available ice facilities in the Township.

He also said that it has ‘proved significantly difficult’ to recruit staff for the winter season, and that this made staff limited for operating the arena for winter.

“I’ve been in contact with the Beachburg rec association, and this is a major concern of theirs going forward.” Councillor Mark Bell said. “One of the points that was made that if this has been addressed in June or July, some of that participation could have been done, but now it becomes difficult. As to recruiting some local individuals now to do that is going to be very difficult.”

He also said that considerations would have to be made within the coming years, regarding ‘air compressors’ and other equipment regarding the repairs.

Councillor Olmstead asked if the 2.5 million total represented the a fully operational facility, and Ivan Burton

“I do think we have to start thinking outside of the box.” Deputy Mayor Cathy Regier said. “We have to start thinking outside of hockey. We have seniors. Maybe we can generate some revenue from that.”

“I’m wondering if I should be appalled about the other facilities.” Councillor Connie Tabbert said.

“We do do assessments of our facilities.” Burton said. “The disintegration did not happen over night. We are owner of the facilities, we have to . When we get to budget time, that asserts that we need to spend on this.”

Councillor Michael Moore said that the Council was ‘better well informed now’.

“Before we go any further, I think our brine should be tested.” He said.

“The brine is tested yearly.” the Parks and Recreation department said that the brine system is ‘leaking a bit of brine right now’ and had two loops closed, and will likely have to be replaced.

Councillor Joe Trimm clarified that “the arenas have always owned the facilities, the properties, and provided the insurance. Also, provided the tax-free feature for donations. Up until recently, the care of maintenance was on the shoulders of volunteers. It depended on the quality, the commitment, the interest of the volunteer groups of the day. It was pointed out that it was an amazing feat for volunteers to be able to do that. And the facilities are quite old.”

“I am uncertain of the points that Councillor Trimm have made regarding ownership of the land. The maintenance was certainly the responsibility of recreation associations. I will need to clarify.”

Councillor Tabbert asked if the Beachburg Arena land was currently owned by the Township, which CAO Burton said was not.

“That property is owned by the adjacent owner, the Beachburg Agricultural Society.” Burton said.

Councillor Bell also reiterated that the recreation associations should be included in the maintenance and operation to the arena.

“It’s a very sensitive topic for the residents of Beachburg.” he said. “maybe posting the videos of the meeting online may not be enough. I think we may want to consider the communication piece as part of this.”

Councillor Moore asked that outdoor ice was ‘part of the discussion’ and Mayor Nicholson confirmed it was ‘part of the motion’.

The motion was carried.

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