Home Council Beachburg woman hired as administrative assistant for Township of Whitewater Region

Beachburg woman hired as administrative assistant for Township of Whitewater Region


COBDEN — Karen Bromley of Beachburg is the new administrative assistant for the Township of Whitewater Region.
She began her new job on Monday.
“Welcome aboard,” say Mayor Hal Johnson at last night’s council meeting. “We’re excited to have you. We wish you all the best.
“You will be working with us, which may not be a good thing all the time,” he said, bringing laughter from other council members.
Married to Ian, they have four children — Tara, Joanne, Kaylee and Tyson — and three grandchildren with another on the way.
When not working Ms. Bromley enjoys spending time with her family, especially the grandchildren, travelling and reading.

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