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Bob’s Meanderings: Aliens are Coming


The past year has been hard on everyone what with the pandemic itself, let alone the poorly timed lockdowns of small businesses and especially the Westmeath Hall. The weather too played the devils’ advocate – balmy in March and too cool in April. In May vaccinations are in full steam and might well bring a summer of near normality? Thinking that the worst perils are nearly behind us, it seems that we may soon be facing a new menace in North America – an invasion by aliens from outer space.

Since 1947 there have been 80,000 sightings of UFOs with many of them clustered around National Marijuana Day (April 20) and Beer Day (August 7).
After a few decades of minor activity, researchers have noticed mysterious radio signals from space. These signals coming from a single source half a billion light-years from Earth are fast radio bursts (FRB) only a millisecond-long. Individual radio bursts emit once and don’t repeat. But these repeating fast radio bursts are known to send out energetic radio waves multiple times implying a message of a mobilization of spacecraft. Should we be worried?
As one of the 36% of North Americans who think that extraterrestrials do exist and that they have been visiting our planet for centuries, I definitely worry.

IN the 50s and 60s, sighting of UFO’s was fairly commonplace. Recently I heard two people hear Renfrew witnessed low flying saucers hovering overhead until taking off at the speed of light. Could this be another sign of changes to come?

Former President Trump, who had previously declared that space aliens were a Chinese hoax, responded to the latest news by saying that he didn’t know much about UFOs, but a lot of people are saying that if they did exist, the aliens would really like him.

Then in December 2020 former President Obama admitted that he had been briefed on UFO visits while he was president, but he declined to share the findings. Was he worried too?

Recently, when asked about aliens possibly trying to enter Earth illegally, President Biden said that he would let in 125,000 per year. Biden also said that he was changing the term “illegal alien” to “undocumented noncitizen from outer space” which he felt was more politically correct.

Two questions that need to be addressed. The first is, do UFOs and extraterrestrials exist? Given the increasing regularity of sightings, we have to agree that maybe they do. More will revealed on August 1 when the Pentagon issues a report on UFOs that will include “Information not easily explained.”

Second, what do they want with us and will they be friendly like ET and My Favorite Martian? Or will they be malevolent like the horrible creatures from the movie, The War of the Worlds?

Optimists believe that extraterrestrials would be kind to us and are probably curious about our planet. and wondering if there is intelligent life here. Why then would aliens from the far reaches of outer space fly billions of light years to come to earth just for conflict.

My fear is that any space aliens that arrive on our planet will be here to consume all of our raw materials and destroy our planet much like we have been doing for years. We are perfectly capable of destroying our planet without more help.
But maybe, just maybe, from the moment that any alien invaders arrive and breathe our air, eat and drink, they will be doomed by a deadly virus which has been so devastating to us but spared because of vaccinations.

If that doesn’t work, we could plant a different kind of virus into their mothership that will filter down to all their corresponding ships below disabling them so we could take them out. Either way, it may just be a virus that will save our beautiful planet if the UFOs are real, and the extraterrestrials prove hostile.

In the meantime, I’m not taking any chances. I’m donning my mask, keeping my distance and staying at home.

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