Home Community Bromley Historical Society Presents a Tour of Osceola’s History

Bromley Historical Society Presents a Tour of Osceola’s History


Submitted by Blaine Marchand

The Bromley Historical Society invites the public to take a visual stroll through the hamlet of Osceola 60-70 years ago. The presentation by Carmel (Nefcy) McKeon, which is open to the public, is on Saturday, September 24th, at 2pm, in the Old Town Hall, 498 Micksburg Road, Osceola.

The Nefcy family are legendary in the annuals of Osceola’s history. A family of 12 children plus parents, crammed into a Ford station wagon, arrived en masse from Motor City – Detroit – to spend their summer months with their grandparents, Michael Thomas and Anna (Dillon) McGee. Annually, the number of children in the tiny village swelled. As well, Carmel, a keen genealogist, has traced back the McGee, Reynolds and Dillon roots that took hold in Bromley, Admaston and Bagot Townships before being transplanted south of the Canadian border.

Carmel’s presentation will feature recently discovered 35mm slides taken during the family visits. She will speak about her memories of the town, her fore-bearers and the people she knew in her youth. Lights refresh opens will be offered following the talk.

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