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DECORATION SERVICE for Forester’s Falls Howard Cemetery Cancelled (Paid Ad)

DECORATION SERVICEForester’s FallsHoward Cemetery CANCELLED Due to the COVID-19 Pandemicthe Annual Decoration ServiceScheduled for July 19, 2020has been Cancelled. Donations would be greatly appreciated as regular expenses...

Whitewater-Bromley Community Health Centre COVID-19 Guidelines (Paid Ad)

The Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre - Beachburg, Cobden and Eganville sites are continuing to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely and are working...

Lanark Renfrew Health and Community Services meeting postponed

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Lanark Renfrew Health & Community Services (LRHCS) has been postponed to September 15,...

Auction Sale (Paid Ad)

Auction Sales Thursday Evening July 9at 6:00 pm forBob & Debby BoyerSale to be held at 570 Barnet Blvd Storage570 Barnet Blvd, Renfrew, Ont Good quality...

Job Posting

Grace United Church is located at 27 Main Street in the town of Cobden. We are a congregation of people who are seeking to...

Online advertising

If you would like to advertise, please contact Connie Tabbert, 613-646-7753 or email, [email protected]

Online advertising

Check out these ads on the rotating sidebar: AGM for the Whitewater Region Public Library AGM for the Cobden Agricultural Society Whitewater Region update Hymn Sing at Grace...