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Vendor’s Christmas Market [Paid Ad]

SUNDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 2022 FROM 11:00-16:00 VENDOR'S CHRISTMAS MARKET - COBDEN 43 Astrolabe Rd, Cobden, ON K0J, Canada On November 6th from 11am - 4pm you can...

Preston Cull Auction Getz, Yuck Paid Aid

Auction SalesSaturday Oct 22 @ 10:30 am for theEstate of Donna Getz, 15 Links Dr, Ashton, Ont2 Vehicles, good quality appliances & household furnishings,...

Turner Auction [Paid Ad]

Auction SaleSaturday Oct 8 at 11:00 a.m. forBob Turner9993 Hwy 60, Eganville, Ont 2009 Ford Sport Ranger, 4WD, 16300 km, mint shape; MF 245 tractor...

Auctions for Golden and Woody’s [Paid Ad]

Auction SalesSaturday Sept 24 at 10:00 a.m. forRon Golden & Guestssale to be held at Renfrew Fair Ground Barns,115 Veteran’s Memorial Blvd, Renfrew, Ont Baja...

Auction Sale for Brisson [Paid Ad]

Auction SaleSaturday Sept 17 at 10:00 am forthe Estate of Ruth Brisson3726 McLaughlin Rd, Beachburg, OntWoods deep freeze; Woods refrigerator; appliances; Toledo weigh scales;...

Cobden Terry Fox Walk 2022 [Paid Ad]

Cobden Terry Fox Walk42nd Annual and First In-person Walk since 2019 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH,AT: LOGOS LAND – COBDENWHEN : 11 AM – 3PMBBQ FOR PARTICIPANTS Questions-...