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ConnectWell Annual meeting June 28th 2022 [Paid Ad]

Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the Annual Meeting for ConnectWell Community Health will take place virtually on June 28, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. The...

Humphries Auction Sale [Paid Ad]

Auction SaleSaturday June 4, at 10:00 a.m. forMurray & Heather Humphries,4063 River Rd, Renfrew, OntOlder farm machinery, horse farm equipment, maple syrup items, chicken...

Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship 2022 [Paid Ad]

Apply by May 31, 2022 The Whitewater Region Public Library is offering the new Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship to eligible post-secondary students in the amount...

Delisle and Kosmak Auctions [Paid Ad]

Auction SalesFriday Evening May 20 at 6:00 pm forDelisle Family1659 Rice Line, Douglas, Ont Marble top table with wrought iron base & 4 wooden chairs;...

Whitewater Gardeners’ Plant Sale May 28 2022 [Paid Ad]

Whitewater Gardeners’ Plant Sale Saturday, May 28th, Cobden Farmers’ Market At the Fairgrounds Astrolabe Rd. Many Perennials and unusual varieties

R Bruce Leach Barrister and Solicitor, Cobden [Paid Ad]

R Bruce LeachBarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Cobden Officein the E.A. (Ted) Barron Buildingon 34 Main StreetAcross from the Little Coffee Shop Tuesdays 3 to 5 PM Phone...

Cull/O’Gorman Auction 2022 [Paid Ad]

Auction SalesFriday Evening May 13 at 7:00 pm forPreston & Terry Cull,923 Spence Rd, Douglas, Ont Approx 75 Charolais, whites/tans & reds X-Bredfirst or second...

Take Out Ham Supper St. Andrew United Church May 14 [Paid Ad]

St. Andrew's United Church1774 Beachburg Rd, Beachburg Take Out Ham SupperSaturday, May 14th 4 - 6 p.m. Ham, Baked Potato, Baked Beans, Veggies, Cole Slaw, Bun...

Ross Museum needs Cleaners [Paid Ad]

Ross Museum in Foresters Falls needs experienced cleaner(s) for several days in May. Please contact Lawrie Barton, Curator613 646 7364 and leave message. Or email [email protected]