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Bob’s Meanderings on Cryptocurrency: An Introduction

Until recently, it was days or weeks without hearing about cryptocurrency. Now, suddenly it is inescapable. For years it seemed like a fleeting trend most...

Alex Got Lost: Stuck Outside Beachburg

I got stuck in the snow one week in February, trying to make a three point turn outside of Beachburg. Trying to make my way...

Bob’s Meanderings – Hot Poles: Extreme Heat in the Arctic and Antarctic

Last Friday March 20, the earth’s poles were undergoing simultaneous freakish extreme heat unheard of. Parts of Antarctica were more than 40°C warmer than...

Financial Focus: RRSP or TFSA – Which one makes sense for you?

At first glance, many investors are left wondering whether they should invest in a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) or an Registered Retirement Savings Plan...

Bob’s Meanderings: Liminal Spaces – Between and Betwixt

A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next’. It is a place of transition, a spell of waiting and...

Bob’s Meanderings: Music has healing power

Music has been shown to have the capacity to help heal mind, body and soul. Possibly doctors could prescribe it like a drug to boost...

Financial Focus: Filing Taxes – DIY or Hire a Professional?

Considering whether to complete your taxes yourself or hire a tax professional? Here are some pros and cons of each to help you decide. Do...

Bob’s Meanderings: Sheep Are Not Unlike Humans

I met with two friends the other day to catch up on local news (gossip). Friend #1 happened to see a farmer’s sheep lying in...

Bob’s Meanderings: Computer Dilemmas Forever

Back in the seventies, desktop computers were coming into vogue and carried a reasonable price tag. Their availability had many people visualizing new careers...

Placebo – Healing the Body

I’d been mulling over in my mind the interesting discussion I had with a friend only yesterday about placebos when I came across an...