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Bob’s Meanderings: The Most Important Scientist You’ve Never Heard Of Part 2

Continued from Last Week’s Issue. Leaded gasoline was plentiful, cheap and it didn’t smell. The group marketed the product as “Ethyl” gasoline deliberately omitting any...

Alex Got Lost: Change Can Be Quick

On a trip back along Highway 17, I chanced upon Perretton Road, recently renamed from a certain unfortunately-common slur for Indigenous people. The new...

Financial Focus: Talk to your spouse about your retirement vision

If you’re single, your retirement goals are your own – you don’t really have to consult with anybody, and you can change your plans...

Bob’s Meanderings: The Most Important Scientist You’ve Never Heard Of

Part 1 There was a scientist who helped build the atomic bomb, discovered the true age of the Earth - and took on a billion-dollar...

Alex Didn’t Slip on the Hill This Time

Alexander Leach, Editor The Omicron Variant, the Part Two of the terrible anti-capitalist indie film known as COVID-19, has brought us to lockdown once again,...

Financial Focus: What Are Your Financial Resolutions for 2022?

As you know, 2021 was full of challenges. We were still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic when supply chains shut down and...

Bob’s Meanderings: When the Lights Went Out

It was a Saturday evening on December 11th. For a few days there were wind warnings for that afternoon and later from Hydro One....

Bob’s Meanderings: Paul and Me

Over my lengthy lifespan there have been some comments that I could pass for Paul McCartney.The first time, it was pointed out by my...

Bob’s Meanderings: A Visit to Tower D

Last week was my first visit ever to Tower D of the Pembroke Regional Hospital (PRH). When it comes to parking fees, I will use...

Financial Focus: Tips to Protect Your Information This Holiday Season

With the holiday season just around the corner, many retailers are vying for your business. But scam artists may also be trying to make...