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Financial Focus: What to do with an Inheritance

According to estimates, about $1 trillion will be transferred from one generation to the next between 2016 and 2026.1 Have you thought about what...

Bob’s Meanderings: Goliath Never Stood A Chance

We have all heard and repeated the phrase “David and Goliath.”’ It is in our language as a metaphor for improbable victories by some...

Financial Focus: The Right Emotions can be Useful in Investing

You may have heard that it’s important to take the emotions out of investing. But is this true for all emotions? Certainly, some emotions can...

Bob’s Meanderings: Could Dance Therapy Help?

I read a riveting account about a group of a dozen children, resettled as refugees from the Middle East and Africa, who were presenting...

Was Joe Biden the Right Choice?

Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election. I was one of a handful who had predicted he would win - based on his ease...

Financial Focus: Questions You Should Ask Your Financial Advisor

You should always be able to ask as many questions as you’d like when working with your financial advisor. So, before you meet, think...

Bob’s Meanderings: Britney Deserved Better

When I first learned of Britney Spears and a conservatorship used in the same sentence, I was confused. I thought at first it must...

Bob’s Meanderings: Buzzwords are the Pits

Smart people can sound stupid at times. We all know at least one person who overuses buzzwords and slang. It’s always a person who is irritating enough...

Alex Has Opinions: Conspiracies, Controversies, Complaints

Alexander Leach: Editor Bob wrote his column on conspiracies last – those convoluted plots where everyone is lied to and controlled by sinister secret groups....

Bob’s Meanderings: Love Set Ablaze

This is a story about romance, a heart-wrenching misadventure and a rejection that I can’t put behind me. Many years ago, when I was in...