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Financial Focus: Look at Your Financial Situation Holistically

What’s the biggest financial mistake you can make? Choosing the wrong investments? Waiting too long to save for retirement? Underestimating the costs of retirement?...

Bob’s Meanderings: Everyone Has a Conspiracy Theory

t started as a discussion during a men’s lunch. Strong voices were rising and then antagonistic. The two were arguing over whether the moon...

Bob’s Meanderings: Don’t Lose Your Head

Don’t Lose Your Head What would you do if you lost your head? What if you were looking for it and couldn’t remember where you...

Financial Focus – Ranking Your Goals: A Smart Move

Like most people, you may have several financial goals. But can you reach them all? It would be simple if you had great wealth. But...

Bob’s Meanderings: My Phantom Gremlin

I was watching the Netflix movie “Shadow in the Cloud” late one night, all alone. It was a World War 2 one, where a...

Alex Got Lost in Construction

Alex Got Lost: Construction in the Summer Construction always has to happen in the summer. It's a pain to have to deal with the torn-up roads,...

Bob’s Meanderings: The Visitor

I had a surprise visit from someone on Tuesday who’s path I had crossed a few times since high school. Glenn lives along the Bonnechere...

Financial Focus: Look Past These Life Insurance Myths

Most people recognize the need for life insurance – but many still don’t have any, or have the wrong type for their needs, or...

Alex Got Lost On His Way to Golf

Alexander Leach, Editor When I first joined this paper, I found out about the Civitan Golf Tournament at the Oaks of Cobden. And then promptly,...

Bob’s Meanderings: Where Few Got the Vaccine, More Got Sick

What is wrong with those Americans? They don’t have the same respect for the pandemic and getting vaccinated as we Canadians do. While much of...