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Mediocrity is the new cool, says Bob

It seems like forever, all the advice given by the pundits was to live our lives to the fullest and stretch for greatness whether...

No secrets to investment success

Many people look for the “secrets” to investment success. Is it timing the market just right? Is it finding those hot stocks or getting...

Bob urges you to be aware of a Morton’s Toe

I heard it as succinctly as the crunch of my first automobile accident. It was at Moore’s Beach near Westmeath where some friends and...

Bob says coincidence has a message

Have you ever chanced upon a coincidence so incredible that it left you light-headed? Some things happen in people’s lives are beyond their control....

Beware the Ides of March!

The "Ides of March" takes place each year on March 15 and the belief that this very unlucky day of doom has been passed...

Can you improve your relationship with money?

In your life, you will have all sorts of relationships – with your family, your friends, your co-workers, and even with civic groups and...

Bob’s first yoga lesson

I mentioned to someone in downtown Westmeath that I was starting yoga classes’ the following Wednesday morning. She did her yoga in Beachburg. I...

The beauty of imperfection

“Imperfect” beauty means something different to everyone. It is natural and it doesn't cover up or try to be something it's not. It doesn't hide...

Millennials may need to boost life insurance

If you’re a Millennial, born between 1981 and 1996, you’re either in the very early or relatively early stages of your career, and as...

W.I. District Directors’ meeting

The North Renfrew District Women’s Institute District Directors met recently for their meeting. Ruth Douma presided as both President and Secretary. She had a...