20 C

My Brother is Too Tall


Museum Moments


Financial Focus: What Does an Unplanned Career Transition Mean for You?

It is not an easy task to be faced with an unplanned career transition, such as a facility closure or the financial downturn many...

So sad – plastic bags are history!

I was discussing with a friend about plastic straws going to be banned in a few months. He said, “straws suck. I never use...
country living by maynard

Pork and beef not supply managed in Canada, but chicken and turkeys are

Last week in a grocery store I held up a package containing one T-bone steak to see how much the $24 steak cost per...

Alex Has Opinions on The Beachburg Fair and Safety

Alexander Leach, Editor The Beachburg Fair begins tomorrow, July 22, and lasts the 23 and 24th. Pictures are included on the next page, along with the...

Memories of summer threshing from 1958

By Maynard van der Galien I never heard of fires being started by overheated bearings and causing a fire in the days when grain was...
word of the week

Bob’s Meanderings: A 20-year Plan is Questionable

I was visiting with a friend on the street-corner the other day when he suddenly stated that he had his 20-year life plan worked...