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Alex Has Opinions: Social Media Nonsense

Elon Musk is buying Twitter, apparently. Well, he’s trying to at any rate – the Tesla and Space X owner, known for repeatedly shooting his...

Muskrat Watershed Council Volunteer of the Year

Submitted by the Muskrat Watershed Council In the mid to late 1930s, a log and chink cabin was built that would come to foster a...

Financial Focus: Investing Rules of the Road

Your investment goals are as unique as the route you take to reach them. But regardless of your course, we believe these 10 “rules...

Bob’s Meanderings: The Leather Jacket

Since I was a kid about to enter high school, I was lacking one piece of clothing that I wanted more than anything I...

Alex Got Lost: Spring is Barely Spring

Spring is so tiring for me. I don't know if it's my age, or if it's the rapidly fluctuating weather, but this season just sucks...

Bob’s Meanderings: Mayor Bob

I have yearned for many years to have a designation or title to go with my name. Many of those persons I know have...

Bob’s Meanderings: The Old Lamplighter

A chance hearing of the song, “The Old Lamplighter,” a Nashville favourite from earlier times, piqued my interest in the origins lamplighter’s. A lamplighter was...

Financial Focus: Tune Out News During Stressful Times

Your phone dings. Another news alert. Do you reach for your phone immediately, eager to see the latest update? While technology makes it tempting...

Bob’s Meanderings: Unexpected

Life is full of unexpected surprises. Most have a twist - generally hopeful or depressing. When things change suddenly in our lives, naturally we...

Alex Has Opinions: NFTs are a Scam

I don't usually write opinion pieces for the paper. Perhaps it's not a journalistic quality, but I feel that one doesn't need to have...