1.4 C

OHS prom committee hosts fundraiser

No shortage of spaghetti.

Eight people share ideas on death

Sorry.. this story was missed being published in the Jan. 29 edition....

La Passe couple honoured by UOV Chamber of Commerce

Gail Richardson and Izett McBride show the Lifetime Achievement Award they were presented with during the Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce gala event Saturday night.

Township receives grant funding for upgrades to municipal hall and parking lot

A grant announcement for Whitewater Region Township was made Friday afternoon, On hand for the announcement are, from left, deputy-ckerk Hope Dillabough (who prepared the grant application), chief administrative officer Christine FitzSimons, Reeve Terry M

Community Events

Fun on Saturday

Fun at Sparky’s Winter Carnival

Lots of hockey action inside and outside the Beachburg Arena.

Petawawa’s Mayor appointed to AMO Board

Vacancy had to be filled

Sign up for the talent showcase for seniors in Renfrew County

Sign up online or pick up a form

A trip for Westmeath residents that didn’t go as planned due to a flood

The Riverview Social Club posed for a group shot during a rest stop in Sudbury, while heading to Sault Ste. Marie in October 2013. Photo submitted

Sam Graham is a competitor at the Canada Winter Games

Sam Graham shows the jersey he will wear while competing.