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Cobden Band Shell to be named for Patsy Moore

Alexander Leach, Editor A motion was put forward to reserve the commemorative naming of the bandshell in Veteran’s Memorial Park to rename the shell aft...

Township to Support EORN for Regional Internet Upgrades

Alexander Leach, Editor Recommend to support the Eastern Ontario Regional Network’s Gigabyte project, which would expand broadband internet and improve connectivity in the whitewater region. CAO...

Rooney’s Gas Bar Becomes Fazi Enterprises with New Owner

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - Rooney’s Gas bar in Cobden has a new owner, and new features coming in the following years. Sam Saif purchased the...

Cobden Music in the Park Schedule

This schedule is provided by Ted Barron, Chair of the Civitan bandshell committee. The following shows will play in Veteran’s Memorial Park in Cobden, Ontario,...

Renfrew OPP Weekly Report

Press Release RENFREW - The Renfrew Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated 228 calls for service. Assault On July 20, 2020 officers with the Renfrew OPP...

Alex Got Lost

By Alexander Leach, Editor I grew up in and around Whitewater Region, but there’s a lot a don’t know. I’ve always had a habit of driving...

Civitan and Township Cut Ribbon on Cobden Band Shell

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - The Cobden Civitan Club cut the ribbon on a band shell they and the Township of Whitewater Region constructed in...

Westmeath Projects Update

Bob Grylls WESTMEATH - Two large projects at the Westmeath Arena are presently underway. One is replacing the access to the second floor hall and at...
whitewater region logo

Water Restrictions Eased

The Township of Whitewater Region is removing the temporary restrictions on non-essential water use as the demand on the Water Treatment Plants has considerably...