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Whitewater in Pandemic Stage 3

Press ReleaseTownship of Whitewater Region WHITEWATER- The Township’s Municipal Emergency Control Group, comprised of the Mayor, Reeve, CAO and staff from key areas, meets regularly...

School Board Agreement

PEMBROKE - The Renfrew County District School Board and Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, representing Educational Support Personnel, reached a tentative agreement on local...

Renfrew OPP Weekly News

Press ReleaseRenfrew OPP RENFREW - The Renfrew Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated 237 calls for service. Domestic Violence Arnprior and Renfrew officers investigated 10 domestic...

General Store Opens in Cobden

Lakeside General Store opened its doors for the first time on July 10, on Highway 17 in Cobden, in a muted showing due to the oncoming restrictions to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
whitewater region logo

Township Issues Water Use Restriction

The Township of Whitewater Region is issuing temporary restrictions on non-essential water use. The Township’s water treatment plants are nearing or exceeding the maximum daily flow rate.

Cobden Farmer’s Market going forward despite Covid-19 Risks

Alexander Leach, Editor COBDEN - Cobden’s farmer’s market isn’t letting Covid-19 shut it down, opening for its second day this summer on July 4th, with...

OPP Traffic Check

PEMBROKE - The Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police have concluded their Canada Day Week traffic safety campaign which took place...

OPP warn of Phone Scam

PEMBROKE - The Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police would like to warn residents of a scam that has recently surfaced...