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Safe boating comes down to five do’s, don’t’s

ONTARIO — With Safe Boating Awareness Week underway, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is partnering with the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) to remind...

Whitewater Region Libraries now has online databases, resources available

WHITEWATER REGION — Access to online research databases and articles in the Whitewater Region libraries is now available from home or anywhere with Internet...

Remembering Lucille Dupuis of Westmeath

WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) — Born Lucille Julia Gervais, she grew up in Westmeath where she was a dedicated pupil. After pursuing her post-secondary education,...

Local farmer killed in accident involving tractor

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — Robert Reid, 52 years old, was transported to Hospital by ambulance where he was pronounced deceased. On May 10 shortly...

OMAFRA now accepting applications from provincially licensed meat plants

ONTARIO — The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing $2.25 million in provincially licensed meat processing plants to better protect employees and ensure...

Local food requires local abattoirs, says NFU-O

ONTARIO — The need for more regional meat processing capacity in Ontario has never been so evident, says the National Farmer’s Union of Ontario...

Retail stores open for curb-side pickup, delivery

ONTARIO ― Starting today, more people will be returning to work across the province as the Ontario government allows retail stores with a street...

School board employees can now be voluntarily redeployed to congregate care settings

ONTARIO — The Ontario government approved an emergency order that would enable available school board employees to be voluntarily redeployed to congregate care settings...

Community foundation recognizes food security is a local priority in times of COVID-19

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Due to COVID-19, the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation, the Community Foundation, realized their direction has abruptly changed its immediate...

Province supports job creators as people start returning to work

ONTARIO — As people gradually begin returning to work, the Ontario government continues preparing for the next phase of restarting the provincial economy through...