2.7 C

Water/Wastewater/Capital Budget Draft 2023 – Increase in Water Rates

Deputy CAO Sean Crozier reported on the draft budget for water, wastewater, and capital investments for the Township of Whitewater Region. He said that they...
Whitewater Region Logo

Regular Council Meeting February 1 2023

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting on February 1, at 4:45pm at the Township Municipal Hall...

Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Kennel at Highway 17

The Council heard a public meeting on a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property at 16356 Highway 17, which was looking for an amendment...

Forester’s Falls Zoning Bylaw Amendment Outcry on Kennels

The Council heard a public meeting on a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property at 2249 Foresters Falls Road, which was looking for an...

Regular Council Meeting January 18 2023

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region held a Regular Council Meeting on January 19th to discuss the 2023 budget proposal, as well...
Whitewater Region Logo

Public Meeting Update for January 18 Kennel Bylaw

Submitted by Dave Alexander Last week’s public meeting notice has been updated to include an in-person meeting at the Township office in Cobden: Notice of application...

Notice of Forestry Activity on the Beachburg Tract

Submitted by Lacey Rose, County Forester, County of Renfrew The County of Renfrew asks for the cooperation and patience of the public as sustainable forest...

Marc Audet Founders Hall Concert 2023

The Upper Ottawa Valley Heritage Centre presents Marc Audet! On January 27, 2023 at 7pm, local singer/songwriter Marc Audet will be giving an intimate...

Alex Got Lost: 2022 in Review

2022 was a year, alright. Globally, we had Queen Elizabeth II pass away - something nobody actually believed would happen, despite humanity having a 100%...

Women’s Institute November and December

Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch is reporting on their meetings and activities for the months...