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Lanark Renfrew Health & Community Services Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for Lanark Renfrew Health & Community Services (LRHCS) will take place on September 15, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Due to...

Renfrew County Outlines Medical Care Options

PEMBROKE - As Renfrew County hospitals gradually and safely return to pre-COVID service levels, residents are reminded that, while emergency departments are open and...

Whitewater in Pandemic Stage 3

Press ReleaseTownship of Whitewater Region WHITEWATER- The Township’s Municipal Emergency Control Group, comprised of the Mayor, Reeve, CAO and staff from key areas, meets regularly...

School Board Agreement

PEMBROKE - The Renfrew County District School Board and Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, representing Educational Support Personnel, reached a tentative agreement on local...

Ontario to Move to Stage 3 of Pandemic Safeguards

The Ontario government announced nearly all businesses and public spaces will reopen in Stage 3 of the province’s reopening framework with public health and workplace safety measures and restrictions in place. As Ontario continues down the path to economic recovery, decisions on which regions will enter Stage 3 and when will be made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts and based on trends of key public health indicators.

Tune Out News During Stressful Times

Your phone dings. Another news alert. Do you reach for your phone immediately, eager to see the latest update? While technology makes it tempting to stay connected 24/7, sometimes the best thing you can do for your health – and your long-term financial strategy – is to tune it out. Here are some ways to tune out negativity during uncertain times.
Renfrew County health unit


RENFREW COUNTY - The Renfrew County and District Health Unit and the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks investigated the discovery of a substance...
Renfrew County health unit

RDCHU Announces Mandatory Masks in Public Places

ONTARIO - Today Medical Officers of Health from Eastern Ontario Health Unit; Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit; Renfrew County and District Health...

Pembroke Hospital Lays Out Visitor Guidelines

PEMBROKE – While COVID-19 restrictions are being gradually lifted throughout the province, the public is being reminded that visitor restrictions must remain in place...