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Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Press ReleasePRH The year 2022 marks the 20th anniversary for the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation. Since its inception, the Foundation has supported programs and services integral...
Renfrew County health unit

RCDHU Participating in Provincial Contact Centre Auto Dial Calls for Booster Doses

Press ReleaseRCDHU Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) confirmed on January 26th that residents who have not received a booster dose, and it has...

RVH Earns Highest Survey Rating

Press Release RVH Renfrew Victoria Hospital has been awarded the highest rating—Accredited with Exemplary Standing—from Accreditation Canada. Accreditation Canada surveyors assess organizations to ensure they are meeting...
Renfrew County health unit

RCDHU: Emergency Departments for Urgent Care, not Asymptomatic COVID-19 Testing

Press ReleaseRCDHU With increased community transmission of COVID-19 and in particular, the new Omicronvariant of concern, Renfrew County hospitals are also seeing an increase in...
Renfrew County health unit

Vaccination And Boosters Are Still Recommended Following COVID-19 Infection

Press ReleaseRCDHU Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) is urging residents not to cancel theirvaccination appointments just because they have recently tested positive for...
whitewater region logo

Whitewater Region Service Interruptions

Press Release, Township of Whitewater Region The Township’s Municipal Emergency Control Group met December 30 to review the current situation involving COVID-19 and variants of...

PRH has COVID-19 Outbreak, three cases

Press ReleasePembroke Regional Hospital PEMBROKE - Today, the Pembroke Regional Hospital, in collaboration with the Renfrew County and District Health Unit, has declared a COVID-19...

RVH Cancels Visiting Due to COVID Cases

Press ReleaseRenfrew Victoria Hospital Due to confirmed COVID cases, as well as the rise in the number of COVID cases in our community, visiting has...

RCDHU Asks for Patience: Ontario Rapidly Expands Third Dose Eligibility

Press ReleaseRVH Effective Monday, December 20th, the Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) and its partners will be expanding eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccination...

Wellhead Protection Area

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve the award of RFP 2021-29 Wellhead Protection Area to GeoCentric Environmental Inc. at a cost...