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Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance Program

Dear Head of Council: The safety of the people of Ontario is a priority for our government and my ministry specifically. Many municipalities across the...

Noise by-law wanted

Dear Mayor Moore, We are writing to ask you and Council to enact noise provisions in the form of a by—|aw within the Township of...

Application for review of the need for new policy, legislation to ...

Dear Mr. Donald Deer and Mr. Gary Younghusband: Thank you again for your application submitted on June 23, 2017, under Part IV of the Environmental Bill...

Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks replies to Muskrat Lake

Dear Editor, After several conversations with the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, the Muskrat Lake Association (MLA) submitted a Request for Review under the Environmental Bill...

Correction, Apology

WHITEWATER REGION -- A column published on June 6, 2019, written by Lorne Spotswood and headed “The Legend of Martin ‘Matt’ Hennessey,” discussed...

A plan is needed, not hopes and prayers

Dear Editor, Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski appears to think hope and prayer will get us by in dealing with the Climate Crisis. We need far more...

Is cow manure not the same as cat feces…why isn’t it reported to the...

Dear Editor: The Whitewater News of April 11 reported an incident of cat faces littering the La Passe Road. The seriousness of this situation has evidently...

Monsanto fined, will farmers listen to the California judge and not use RoundUp

Dear Editor: April showers may bring May flowers, yet on this day, we pray for April showers to send away the traces of snow on...

Not only family mixed up their names

Dear Editor: Having grown up in Cobden with 5 brothers, a lot of people (and our parents) would often get us mixed up. So it wasn't...

Cancer Society says thanks

Dear Editor,  Monday, Feb. 4 was World Cancer Day and we at the Canadian Cancer Society want to thank our donors and supporters for all they’ve done and...