-2.8 C

Micksburg Throwball

MICKSBURG – Two throwball games played at Micksburg's outdoor Diamond, on September 3rd. The game began with Chris Patterson saying a few words about Teddy...

General Store Opens in Cobden

Lakeside General Store opened its doors for the first time on July 10, on Highway 17 in Cobden, in a muted showing due to the oncoming restrictions to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Cobden Public School Graduates: Still an Occasion

COBDEN - The students of Cobden District Public School graduated online, after their ceremony was cancelled due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. The school...

“Stand by each other, six feet apart.”

WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Over 20 people gathered for a socially distanced concert in Cobden on Saturday.  The performance featured a musical band comprised of...

Three residents inducted into Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — Five people were inducted into the Renfrew County Agriculture Wall of Fame during the 25th anniversary celebration Saturday night in...

Three standing ovations for Mama Mia

RENFREW COUNTY (Douglas) — Over the weekend rave reviews were heard throughout the community for Mamma Mia, as performed by students at Opeongo High...