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Detour signs would help, not hinder, the tourists

Tourists use GPS to get to their destination. If there is a road closure and no detour signs, they won't know how to get to their destination

$150 million to replace the roads in WW township

Deputy-Mayor Izett McBride fears the township is going backwards in road maintenance.

Cobden District Public School Grade 8 graduation

Valedictorian speech and awards

Foresters Falls Celebrates Canada Day

Foresters Falls Athletic Association hosts afternoon/evening events.

Community Barbecue hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Donations go to MRI campaign at Pembroke Regional Hospital.

$83,860.10 raised at relay for life

The first Whitewater Relay for Life was held June 20 in Beachburg. It was a phenomenal success with almost $84,000 raised and 32 teams participating.

Brewmasters working hard to ensure success of their adventure

Three friends begin micro brewery near Beachburg. Now they are ready to expand to include a restaurant.

Fifth book tree in Renfrew County is in Cobden

A large crowd gathers to watch the launch of the Book Tree in Cobden.