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Canada’s National Day of Remembrance in Pembroke

PEMBROKE -- December 6th marks 29 years since 14 young women lost their lives due to senseless violence at École Polytechnique, Montreal.  In their...

Standing ovation for Whitewater Region Mayor Johnson at final council meeting

by CONNIE TABBERT Editor   WHITEWATER REGION — It was a night of accolades, recognition and even a standing ovation during the final Whitewater Region council meeting...
OPP Logo

Charges laid in break and enter, home owner assaulted

LAURENTIAN VALLEY -- On Tuesday, March 27, the Crime Unit of the Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the OPP began investigating after a break...

North District WI News — Terry-Lynn Sukkel of Whitewater Region is guest speaker at...

Submitted by Elaine Hennessy   Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew.  The following branches have reported on their meetings and activities...

Cycling is fun…but do it in a safe way

Cycling is a fun and healthy activity, it's a low-cost way to get around, and it's good for the environment. Before you head out on...

Suspicious car fire in Arnprior

ARNPRIOR -- The Renfrew Detachment of the OPP is investigating a vehicle fire in the Town of Arnprior. The fire completely destroyed a vehicle at...

Crime of the Week

WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) --  Pembroke/Renfrew County Crime Stoppers and the Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the OPP need your help to solve a break,...

Letter to the Editor: Mike says thanks, and encourages every-one to work hard to...

Dear Editor: I want to thank residents of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke for considering my candidacy for the federal Conservative nomination. I really enjoyed meeting so many of...

Country Living — Ottawa Valley Farm Show is a Classy Event  –Competition open to...

I take my hat off to all those machinery exhibitors who show their wares at the Ottawa Valley Farm Show (OVFS). Taking huge machines...