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Commitment to protecting, supporting children, families as pandemic evolves


RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Family and Children’s Services of Renfrew County (FCSRC) says they are focused on the safety, protection and well-being of children and youth and strengthening and supporting families. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, they will continue to be available at any time to answer the phone and speak to community members who may have a concern about the safety or well–being of a child or youth. FCSRC stated they will also continue to support homeless youth or those at-risk and all families who rely on their Developmental Services, ongoing assistance and various peer support, child development and family strengthening programs.

“We are here for children and families in Renfrew County”, said Kathy Davis, Executive Director of FCSRC. “Like all essential social services, we’ve had to make creative modifications to how we service families for both staff and family safety. We are also focused on building more awareness that we as a community have a greater role to play in supporting families, youth and children. Especially with schools, childcare and many workplaces closed. A simple call, virtual check-in or offer of support may help a family that needs it. And if you have a concern about child and youth safety, please call us.” 

Connecting Virtually
Where necessary, visiting with families continues with proper screening protocol in place. However, FCSRC staff are using many technologies to connect with service users virtually. Part of this includes equipping some families with mobile devices or computers to allow them to connect with staff and their own networks. With the closure of EarlyON Centres, Jubilee Place and Parents Anonymous programming, FCRSC started developing online programming which includes a live story time on Facebook with the North Renfrew Early ON Centre, the sharing of educational resources and transitioning the Parents Anonymous program to an online format.  

Support Packages
FCSRC continues to assess the needs of families and are always looking for new ways to provide support.  During this time, they started delivering care packages which include fresh fruit, vegetables, meats and cheeses. They also include items such as diapers, formula and age-appropriate craft and educational activities. Some families may receive financial supports to help with groceries or other needed items. FCSRC referenced the Ontario government’s moratorium to ensure youth over the age of 18 in the care of child welfare agencies continue to be supported through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. They went on to detail this ensures these youth do not need to worry about a home, caregivers and financial support while coping with the pandemic. 

“Our staff, foster and kin caregivers have been instrumental in supporting many families, children and youth and I want to thank each of them for their continued service commitment and ideas,” said Davis. FCSRC said they are committed to doing everything in their power to support children, youth and families in this time of crisis. They encourage the community to call 613-735-6866 to address any questions and to follow them on Facebook, Twitter or visit their website for updates and helpful resources. 

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