RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Due to COVID-19, the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation, the Community Foundation, realized their direction has abruptly changed its immediate mandate. The annual granting application process was postponed until 2021. The Community Foundation, however, continues to focus on the needs of the community and has determined food security is at the top of the area’s priorities.
The Community Foundation has gifted $5,000 each to the Petawawa Pantry Food Bank, The Grind, St. Joseph’s Food Bank and Saint Vincent de Paul’s Soup Kitchen. Matthew Bradley, Chair of the Foundation presented cheques to the recipients Candice Crosby of the Petawawa Pantry Food Bank, Linda MacLaren of the St. Joseph’s Food Bank, and Jerry Novack of The Grind. Debbie Ryan, Foundation Community Liaison and Executive Adminstrator presented the cheque to Deacon Adrien Chaput of Saint Vincent de Paul.The Community Foundation is hopeful and challenges others to donate to the most vulnerable of our community by focusing on food security.
“We are excited to support our community in this great time of need. This is phase one. We are working on another set of grants for phase two,” says Community Foundation Chair, Matthew Bradley. “Phase two details are being developed by our Board according to our mandate and to the community’s greatest needs.”
The Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation is a public foundation which benefits the community by providing funds to charities, local groups and organizations that are also registered under the Income Tax Act. It is one of more than 191 Community Foundations in Canada. The Community Foundation was established in 2008 and has a mandate to invest and manage charitable funds for projects, causes and other community organizations. Proceeds are distributed to meet the community’s greatest needs.
Photo by Wendy Hewitt. Photo by Wendy Hewitt. Photo by Wendy Hewitt.