Home Council Correction for February 4 Article “Departmental Work Plan 2022”

Correction for February 4 Article “Departmental Work Plan 2022”


I has been brought to my attention that I was quoted mistakenly in the February 3rd edition. The paper stated the following:

“It’s not a road revue as the assets themselves.” Roads Manager Lane Cleroux said. “It is more of the operation of the department. They’ll look at plow routes for example: it doesn’t make sense that we have eight plow routes. It’s more the department and not the actual assets.”

Here is what actually was said:

It’s not actually a road review as the actual assets itself but It’s more of the operation of the department and also compare to neighboring municipalities. One example, is that they will look at plow routes and does it make sense we have eight plow routes and how they are configured.

Editor’s Note: My apologies for the confusion. Here is the correct quote.

Original Article: https://whitewaternews.ca/departmental-work-plan-2022/

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