Home Arts Council Pledges Support to Festival Hall

Council Pledges Support to Festival Hall


The Council of the Township of Whitewater motioned to pledge a one time payment of $2500 to the Festival Hall in Pembroke.

“We don’t contribute to this facility, but this is a one-time project for renewing the seats.” He said, saying the item was not budgeted.

Councillor Olmstead said that the facility gets used ‘a ton’ by the local members.

“I do recognize that in our township whitewater region have a number of artists that play there.” he said. “When these outside acts play, there’s a huge draw.”

He said he would ‘encourage us to bump up the participation’ to the next suggested tier of $50,000, saying it would be “really important” to the area.

Mayor Moore asked where the money would come out of, so he said that the amount.

Councillor Mackay said that the hall was ‘worth saving’.

Councillor Nicholson asked if they would consider becoming a partner and including it in their annual budget.

“I sit two ways. “Councillor McLaughlin said. “Instead of coming from Council, maybe it should be the service clubs. It’s our tax dollars, it’s our taxplayers dollars. I don’t know if it’s a proper way to be spending it. I don’t want to see it fold, but then is it something that our taxpayers should be supported.”

Councillor Jackson said that the 5000 would get them presented “on the wall” as a Platinum level supporter. “There are a number of families from here that present at Festival Hall. The Bell family’s son and their daughter presented in a number of plays in the Hall. We don’t have cultural other than our museum. That’s more than some municipalities have, but we certainly represent the sports in our budget. there are so many groups that present in Festival Hall.”

Treasurer Crozier said they could draw 4200 from the budget to ‘get them off the ground.”

Councillor Nicholson said that he was in support of it.

CAO Trembley that said they could investigate becoming a partner at Nicholson’s suggestion in 2023 after they voted on the amended amount of 5000 dollars.

The updated motion with 5000 was carried, and Councillor Nicholson made a Notice of Motion for the Township to investigate becoming a partner for Festival hall.

The motion was carried.

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