1ST Cobden Scouting is appreciative of the community for the outstanding support it has given during two fundraisers it held. This group just started up again last year and so there is a great need to purchase many supplies, books, camping gear etc. Recently, the scouts held a bottle drive and were out collecting bottles and cans from 9 a.m. until noon. They raised $1,170 from bottles, cans and cash donations. At Taste of the Valley, they held their apple day campaign and were at the gates from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and raised $1,581. Our goal as leaders is to get the “OUT” in Scouts, having the kids enjoying the outdoors, learning new skills and most important, building friendships. The participants with their many bottle/can collections are, sitting in front, Braden Smaglinski; front row from left, Seated, Group Commissioner, Dale Jackson, Scout Bradley Thoms Beaver Garett Davis, kneeling, Cub Aaron Coulas, Cub Emerson Davis, standing Cub Austen Covell, and Payton Lucus. Back row from the left are Cub Leader Brenda MacLeod, Beaver Leader Linda Jackson, Scout Leader Stacey Russell, Scout Jenna Thoms, Cub Gabe Staigh. Scout Lauren Thoms and parent volunteer Susan Goldsmith Davis. Photo submitted