Home Council H&H Tender for Beachburg Roadwork

H&H Tender for Beachburg Roadwork


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of Tender 2022-05 Rehabilitation of Cameron Street, Earl Street, and Vera Crescent to H&H Construction Inc. at a cost of $2,393,408.05 inclusive of non-refundable H.S.T.

Department of Public Works Manager Lane Cleroux said that they had received three bids by May 4, ranging from 2.6 million to 3 million.

“The Tender price was 22% higher than JP2G’s estimate.” he said. “Also included in the tender was provisional item, and also included was a pathway from Earl Street to Very Crescent. There were two options: One was a stone dust pathway and one was an asphalt pathway, and staff are recommending, with a cost-saving of three meters stone-dust pathway.”

He said the tender also included some works for the Beachburg schoolyard, along the main parking lot and Earl street lot “at cost to the school board.”

“H&H’s Tender also provided a schedule, With them starting June 3rd, and them starting at Vera Crescent and not near the school.” he said. “With completion by the 2022-2023 school year.”

He said the tender included 2.15 million debenture through the Capital budget.

“The tender does include almost 240,000 worth of provisional items that hopefully we won’t use, and staff are recommending a 35 contingency. With the budget provided with the debenture, staff is recommending a ten-year debenture, but that will be bought back once the completion has been done, and also once the final cost could be applied for the debenture.”

Councillor Chris Olmstead asked if Cardell Street was a new street. “

“It was done after these streets.” Cleroux confirmed.

“Is it actually a paved street or DST?”

“No, it’s actually pavement.” Cleroux said. “For the first Cameron street to the school it’s two lifts, then Vera is one lift, as per the J-technical.”

Councillor Neil Nicholson asked if the school bus pickup has been factored in. “Will you be making any allowances on that street for the way the school buses will park to do pickups at that school?”

“Working with the school right now that process will be changing.” Cleroux said. “With the new parking lot configured, they will be pulling into the schoolyard dropping off, then pulling off onto Earl and then onto Cameron. I believe right now they turn around on Vera but that will be changing.”

“Where will the parking be for the public library?” Councillor Nicholson asked.

Cleroux said that there will be a paved parking lot and a parking lane on Cameron for the library, along with two ‘barrier-free’ spots on the on-street parking.

Councillor Nicholson asked if the stone-dust path was on the municipal property, which Cleroux confirmed.

Councillor Nicholson asked if it was possible to use this to look at the water main at the end of Cardenaux, which Cleroux

Councillor McLaughlin asked if the ditching and the pond on Vera would be done.

“The pond won’t be touched, but the ditching will all be done.” Cleroux said.

Councillor McLaughlin said he was ‘very happy that that would be done.”

The motion was carried.

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