Home Council Ice Allocations

Ice Allocations


The Whitewater Region Council approved the postponement of ice at the Beachburg and Westmeath Arenas, pending further review of needed Ice allocations in light of Covid-19 impacts.

The report outlined how the pandemic affected the arenas, when it arose in March of this year.

“The Covid guidelines prevented the space from being opened to the public.” Jordan Durocher, Manager of Parks and Recreation said. “We basically met to get a better understanding of what other municipalities had done in regards to the pandemic.”

“We basically decided to call a hiatus on ice rentals.”

He recommended that the ice be postponed to no earlier than November 1st.

According to the report, Muskrat Minor Hockey at 50% capacity on their registrations at this time, and that user bookings are down across the county and other counties, including Silver Stick.

“We really can’t project our revenues at this time, given the lack of registrations from users.”

He said there will likely be some ice handed back in, and revenue and expenses will be outlined in October.

Councillor Olmstead suggested sending confirmation of cancellation and Durocher said they would send them.

Councillor Jackson agreed with the suggestion.

Councillor Nicholson suggested other solutions be their focus in the future.

The motion was carried.

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