Home Council Landfill Fees

Landfill Fees


Treasurer Sean Crozier reported on the potential for the landfill to collect fees for dropoffs.

He said that calculating the fees was difficult due to

He cited the traffic as roughly “16 people on Wednesdays and 22 people on Saturdays” over the course of the day.

He said that the change from charging by volume to vehicle base was that it was “more efficient to administer.” due to a lack of weight scales.

He said the fees were intended to reduce partial loads.

“We would encourage residents, based on our fees, to come when they have a full load.” he said.

He said that the estimated cost of purchasing sales is between “100-125 thousand dollars”.

He said they were “starting to plan for” adding scales.

He said that they needed to look for “long-term options” as the landfill neared capacity, including a new site or buying into a larger plan.

“Planning for post-closure operations is imperative.” he said. “We can argue about how many years that is, but we need to plan for that.”

Councillor McLaughlin suggesting waiving the cost for “construction materials that can be chipped.”

“I would like to see the clean lumber fee waived to entice people to sort it.” he said.

Cleroux said that they do ‘entice people to sort’.

Councillor Jackson asked if the plan would be “good in the long term” if the landfill’s life expectancy was going to be 23 years.

Hodson said that the scales would aid even after the landfill was no longer in use.

The Mayor wondered why the plastic wasn’t a concern of the manufacturer.

“I don’t really understand why the manufacturers aren’t taken to task for this, and the cost falls to the municipality.” Mayor Moore said, saying he wanted to get rid of plastic.

Councillor Mackay explained that it was used to make farming more efficient, but that ‘none of it was biodegradable.”

Reeve Regier said that the fee was unavoidable, citing how the Council addressed water fees after eight years.

“It’s a hard bite at the start, and it’s a hard bite now.” She said. “At least we’re doing something now.”

The motion to accept the report was carried.

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