Home Arts Lawrie Barton publishes Children’s Poetry Book

Lawrie Barton publishes Children’s Poetry Book


Alexander Leach, Editor

COBDEN – Lawrie Barton said she has been writing poetry her whole life, and wants to share it.

Her new book of poetry, To Catch a Sunbeam, contains poetry written across her life, living primarily in Nunavut, Cape Breton, and Ontario.

She plans to sell the book locally as well as through Amazon, at stores such as the Lakeview General.

She said she originally handed the book out to family, printed on paper and stapled together, back in the 70s.

The current version, published by Tellwell Talent, is illustrated with images found online and drawn by locals, according to Barton.

“What I don’t like is that people are not reading their kids poetry.” she said, saying that her childhood was defined by her father reading to her, as the ‘designated bedtime reader’ of the family.

“Maybe this will encourage parents to write their own poetry.” she said.

A retired teacher, she said that she doesn’t plan to make much money on the book.

“If reading poetry can stimulate imagination, that makes me happy.” she said.

“I’m happy to get it out and I hope people will buy it.”

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