Home Community Letter: Churches donate $781 to Cobden Food Bank

Letter: Churches donate $781 to Cobden Food Bank


Cobden Food Bank from Grace United Church, Cobden and Zion United Church in Douglas had a “Kids Santa Shop” at Grace United church in Cobden on Friday, Dec. 16th and Saturday Dec. 17th.

This was a chance for kids up to the age of 12 to come in and shop for their parents, grandparents, siblings etc. All items were from $2.00 to $5.00.

The parents could bring then but then go into another room while our “Santa helpers” helped the kids pick out their items they wanted to buy. They then took them to pay for them and then took them to be wrapped by our “Santa Helpers”

We packed them up and off they went. We raised $781.00 for the Cobden food Bank.

Dorothy Edwards

Editor: Congratulations on raising that much!

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