Dear Editor:
I was in Cobden this morning waiting for my wife to get her hair done at “The Village Hair Works”.
I must say I was very impressed with the quality of the Township of Whitewater Region’s snow removal equipment and the operators doing the job.
It was very apparent that the equipment being used was the right type and in good clean condition.
The operators where very professional and safety conscious.
I was impressed that every move looked like it had been rehearsed for years.
There where four tandem dump trucks in a continuous line being loaded by a snow blower operated by someone that was very skilled. Not a move was wasted. Two sidewalk plows also appeared to be operated like robots, always moving snow so the blower could have safe access to it.
The traffic control person was very professional as well. The traffic in either direction was seldom delayed.
I do realize that some person or people must have trained these people and possibly were even monitoring the operations. They deserve a compliment for the smooth operation of the cleanup crew.
I am proud to be a resident of this community.
An appreciative new home owner
in Whitewater Region
Note: It was a decision of the editor to allow this letter to be published anonymously, but the letter was signed.