Home Letters Letter to the Editor, Response to Mr. Briscoe on Game Meat Ban

Letter to the Editor, Response to Mr. Briscoe on Game Meat Ban


Mr Briscoe. I think you may be going off at half-cock.

I never disparaged butchers nor hunters nor kayakers (having been all three at some point in my life), and it is duplicitous of you to accuse me of playing one off against the other. A litre of organic beef broth sells for $25 in Canada, and in Europe, game meat fetches a huge price when its available. From a single venison carcass, I regularly extract about 20 litres of good bone stock which goes to freezer, friends and family.

And yes, I first paddled the rochefendue from Lapasse to Acres 44 yrs ago. It took me two days as I was alone so had to be careful. I packed more than a lunch but it was a very cold trip and it sure woulda been nice if someone had sold me a steaming hot mug of venison soup on the way down.

On November 25, Wilderness Tours committed to permitting free access to the river through their property. I cannot say enough about what a great move this is. Let us hope that the paddling community and the river property owners can continue to move forward with such respect and consideration over the next few years.

Simon Tunley, Resident. Whitewater Region

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