Home Council May 17 2023 Council Public Meetings

May 17 2023 Council Public Meetings


The following public meetings occurred at May 17th’s Council Meeting for the Township of Whitewater Region:

-The Muskrat Watershed Council introduced itself to the Council in a public meeting as an organization “worried about the water quality in our Watershed”.

Dave said that their concern was for the blue-green algae blooms in Muskrat Lake and Lake Dore, and working towards monitoring the Watershed and finding solutions to the bloom problem.

“It’s hard to get people involved in the Watershed as of late, due to COVID-19, it’s hard to get new faces involved.”

They also asked the Council to help gather support for the North Algona /Wilberforce, Admaston/Bromley, and Laurentian Valley Townships to participate in the Watershed.

-Keith McLaren presented to the Council, requesting “info, plans, and timelines for the sewer line” on Bonnechere Street of the Village of Cobden.

They said they received development offers for the three properties
along the roads (Lots 27,28,29).

“We’re certainly interested in development, and the province has certainly made that a priority.” Councillor Joey Trimm said.

“Is there going to be any problem with putting in a sewer line?”

Roads Department Manager Lane Cleroux said that there was a plan “back in 1995 to provide a sanitary line and that includes a sanitary pump station to bring it into the wastewater pump station, because it is below the street.”

CAO Ivan Burton said that they would do some ‘supplemental geoenvironmental work’.

Burton said that alternative plans could include a septic system.

Councillor Michael Moore asked if staff could look into financial options for the development of the property due to how long ago the original plans were made.

“We’d have to hire a professional to do an assessment and that would cost money.” CAO Burton said. “I would say we hold off and if the Council wanted.

“Developers traditionally pay for servicing. This road is not in the queue for servicing; we’re not looking to upgrade this road in the near future.”

Councillor Connie Tabbert asked why the road was not already on a sewer line, due to its proximity to the lake.

“I can’t speak to past Council decisions, but if we were looking to redo the road, we would certainly evaluate the benefit of a sewer line.” Burton said.

She asked if the Township could share the cost of improvement of the sewer line.

CAO Burton cautioned that “past practices” put the onus on the developer for infrastructure cost.

Councillor Mark Bell asked when McLaren was looking to develop.

“We could probably wait for 3-5 years if something were to be done.”
McLaren said.

Councillor Trimm confirmed that any costs to development the sewer would be incurred by the residents of Cobden and would add to their ‘already high’ costs of water.

Mayor Neil Nicholson suggested Mr. McLaren’s next course of action was to speak with Planner Alex Benzie regarding future developments.

-A public meeting was held Jason O’Brien filed a zoning by law amendment for a property in Westmeath near the Westmeath boat launch.

CAO Ivan Burton said that the amendment was part of a plan to install a winery and a wedding venue, but ran into isues with the County of the Renfrew due to the floodplain.

Burton said that the Township has suggested the venue’s scope be reduced to the sale of locally-produced wine, and ‘not the consumption of wine’.

The applicant was not present, or members of the public present.

Councillor Mark Bell asked what the purpose of the application, as the owner ‘already has the vines and already is producing’.

“Properties within our township are allowed to have home occupations.” Burton said. “If we have a small-style business like a home chiropractor’s office or a hair salon, you’re permitted to have that as a home occupation, but you’re not allowed to have retail sales. The retail sale piece is the item that’s outside of the norm and requires the application.

Councillor Moore asked if the liquor control board would be involved.

Burton said that the applicant had ‘been successful’ in all the licensing applications for alcohol.

Councillor Tabbert expressed concerned with the applicant already producing grapes on the property and ‘suddenly building a winery’.

“It’s not a full-on tours winery as in the Niagra area.” Burton said.

He said that the amount of wine produced was determined by the Province.

“I’ve been to some of the small-style wineries in the sandbanks region, and they’re great for tourism.” Councillor Olmstead said.

The motion was carried.

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