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North District WI News — Terry-Lynn Sukkel of Whitewater Region is guest speaker at one meeting


Submitted by Elaine Hennessy


Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew.  The following branches have reported on their meetings and activities for the month of September, 2018.

Forester’s Falls:   Six members from the branch, eight members from Queen’s Line branch, and one visitor met at the Forester’s Falls Fire Hall at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 19.  Forester’s Falls members provided lunch for their guests after singing the Institute Grace.   Following lunch President Alisa Page welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in unison.  Roll Call was “What do you do to relieve stress”?  Some answers included listening to country music, knitting, reading, writing, gardening, etc. Betty Black introduced her sister-in-law Terry-Lynn Sukkel who was our guest speaker.  Terry-Lynn worked as a nurse in the health care field for many years.  Recently she has been working as a nurse for several weeks at a time on a remote island in Hudson Bay.  The remote island of Sanikiluqaq with an area of 115 km. has a population of approximately 800 people, and is about 150 km. from the coast of Quebec.  It also has two stores, three generators, an RCMP presence, a school, church and the medical clinic.  The population is mainly Inuit, who are a friendly, welcoming and peaceful people.  Sixty percent of the population is under 20 and is one of the fastest growing population areas in Canada. The elders in the community are working hard to preserve their culture and teach the younger generation.  The clinic has four nurses on staff. A doctor visits every six weeks for two or three days.  They can only do basic diagnostic procedures.  People needing ultra sounds must be flown to Winnipeg and pregnant women are flown out at 36 weeks as the clinic is not equipped to deliver babies.  Large items are brought in by barge during the summer, and planes bring in food and supplies two or three times a week, weather permitting. The experience has been very positive and rewarding, and she is leaving for another trip in a few weeks. Betty presented her with a gift on behalf of the group.  Door Prizes were distributed.  Sheila Broome expressed the thanks of the Queen’s Line ladies for a most enjoyable afternoon.  Joan Smithers reported on the District Director’s meeting she had attended.  Our branches are responsible for the flag ceremony at the Eastern Area Convention on Monday, Oct. 15th in Cobden.  Joan Smithers, Alisa Page, Sheila Broome and Leanne Oates will carry the flags.   Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Correspondence was read. $40.00 was received for a 1st. place finish at the Beachburg Fair.  A thank you from Cobden Fair for our annual donation and a cheque for $66.00 for a 1st. place finish for our display at the fair was received.  A letter was received from the Federal Health Minister in answer to our concerns about changes to the Canada Food Guide.  The Registration package for the Area Convention was received and plans made to attend.  The President thanked the lunch committee of Margaret Curry and Marion Horner for organizing the meal, Eleanor Waite for decorating and the members for bringing food and prizes.  Volunteer sheets were completed.

Greenwood: President Charlotte Cotnam-Isea welcomed everyone to the meeting, followed by the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.  The Roll Call was “Did you do something this week to live your life to the fullest”?  Motto “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, and mostly, live”.    Secretary Marielle McLaughlin read the minutes, and Treasurer Gail Fletcher gave her report.  A receipt and thank you was received from the Pembroke Regional Hospital for the donation which the branch had given.  A thank you card was also received from Iris and Gary Biggs to the branch for the cards, flowers and food provided in honor of their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Carole Whitmore introduced guest speaker Emma Jeapes, who is the Miss Teen Ontario East this year.  Emma is 18 years old and was born in Pembroke and she has a younger brother Ryan.  Her dad is in the Military, and her Mom is an Addictions Counsellor at Renfrew Victoria Hospital.  Emma is in her fifth year at Bishop Smith Catholic High School and plans to attend University next year for either Nursing or Teaching.  She has two part time jobs and is involved in many sports activities.  She is a member of the Valley Calf Club, and shows dairy calves for the Whitmore’s.  Emma’s passions are the Candle Lighters which is involved with childhood cancers.  Her other passion is about clean drinking water for everyone, and she advised not all Canadians have access to clean water.  This was what she talked about at the Pageant.  A Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in 2013.  Emma said it was a wonderful learning experience for her entering the Pageant.  She met new friends, and she had to have a formal interview with the Judges.  She was wearing her event’s crown at our meeting, but had the winning crown in a box on display.  Winners only get to keep the crown for one year.  She attends community events, Fairs, and other activities   She took part in the Neo Night fundraising in Petawawa and raised $3,300.  Gail Fletcher thanked Emma and presented her with a gift.  A motion was passed to donate $100 to the Candle Lighters.  Mariellle McLaughlin went over the standings in the Beachburg and Cobden fairs.  The branch received $30 from the Beachburg Fair and $50 from the Cobden Fair.  Bev Smith gave highlights from the District Director’s meeting she attended recently. The Registration Form was filled out for the Eastern Area Convention  in Cobden, and 6 members from the branch plan to attend.  The Door Prize was won by Bev Smith.  Refreshments were provided by convenors Carole Whitmore, Sheila Kenny and Gail Fletcher.

Queen’s Line:  The branch met at the Forester’s Falls Fire Hall as guests of the Forester’s Falls W.I.  We enjoyed an excellent lunch with our hosts.  After the luncheon, Terri-Lynn Sukkel, a nurse who worked in a medical clinic at Finger Lakes in Hudson Bay, told us about her work. It was interesting to hear of the problems, complications, and health issues with which the nursing station deals on an everyday  basis.  After the presentation we split from Forester’s Falls W.I. and held our own meeting.  We welcomed a new member, Lianne Oates, discussed our role at the upcoming Area Convention, reported on the Sept. District Director’s meeting, and made plans for entertaining our visiting Institute on Wednesday, Oct. 24.  We look forward to our October meeting.



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