Home Uncategorized Notices of Motion May 4 2022

Notices of Motion May 4 2022


Councillor McLaughlin presented a notion of motion that the Council “waive the rule of process with two thirds of support to consider a motion that I will bring forward that is not on the agenda: the recruitment of the Manager of Park and Recreation position in order to receive a report from the CAO in order to restructure the department.”

The previous manager, Jordan Durocher, left the Township last week.

CAO Trembley said that they were interviewing for the position ‘next Friday’ and suggested that was why the Councillor presented the motion.

The vote was 3-3, unable to meet the requirement, and the motion was defeated.

However, Councillor Mackay said he ‘missed the significance of this vote’, which was explained.

Councillor Nicholson requested staff investigate the historical access of a culvert at 415 Rapid Road.

CAO Trembley said that they would address the motion at the next meeting.

Mayor Moore asked the state of the culvert and the state of the culvert.

“The bottom is completely rusted out so it has about two feet of a gap along the bottom of it.” Councillor Nicholson said.

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