During November, Renfrew County and District Health Unit is helping older adults, as well as their family members and caregivers, recognize what they can do to prevent falls.
Falls are the main reason why older adults lose their independence. In Renfrew County and District, approximately 1,800 older adults visit a hospital emergency department each year for care of injuries caused by falls. This averages five visits per day in emergency departments across Renfrew County. The good news is that there are many things that can be done to prevent falls.
Renfrew County and District Health Unit along with the other Champlain regional health units and the Champlain LHIN are encouraging older adults living in the community to use the Staying Independent checklist to identify their risk of falling and to discuss their risks with their doctor or health care practitioner. This is an important first step in preventing future falls. The Staying Independent checklist is available from the Renfrew County and District Health Unit or through the Champlain Healthline website http://www.champlainhealthline.ca/healthlibrary_docs/StayingIndependentChecklist_En.pdf
There are many things that can contribute to a fall such as insufficient physical activity, poor vision, unsafe footwear and the effects of medications. Exercise that helps improve strength, gait and balance is recommended to help reduce the risk of falling. A listing of exercise and falls prevention programs for older adults in Renfrew County and District is available on the Champlain Healthline website. Included with this listing is a tool Which Exercise Program is Best for Me? to help identify the most appropriate exercise programs based on the older adult’s current activity level http://www.champlainhealthline.ca/healthlibrary_docs/ListExerciseFallsPrevention.pdf
Falls are not a normal part of aging. Through education, awareness, screening, assessment and reducing risk factors, most falls can be prevented.